To others we are not ourselves but a performer in their lives, cast for a part we do not even know that we are playing. Elizabeth Bibesco (1897-1945) Romanian-English writer Haven (1951)
To be on a pedestal is to be in a corner. Elizabeth Bibesco (1897-1945) Romanian-English writer Haven (1951)
Of what help is anyone who can only be approached with the right words? Elizabeth Bibesco (1897-1945) Romanian-English writer Haven (1951)
Blessed are those who give without remembering and take without forgetting. Elizabeth Bibesco (1897-1945) Romanian-English writer Haven (1951)
Life more often teaches us how to perfect our weaknesses than how to develop our strengths. Elizabeth Bibesco (1897-1945) Romanian-English writer Haven (1951)
What we buy belongs to us only when the price is forgotten. Elizabeth Bibesco (1897-1945) Romanian-English writer Haven (1951)
It is easier to be generous than to be just. Elizabeth Bibesco (1897-1945) Romanian-English writer Haven (1951)
The image of ourselves in the minds of others is the picture of a stranger we shall never see. Elizabeth Bibesco (1897-1945) Romanian-English writer Haven (1951)
We are bound to those we love by their imperfections — their perfections help us to explain them to others. Elizabeth Bibesco (1897-1945) Romanian-English writer Haven (1951)
Our losses should frequently be put on the credit side. Elizabeth Bibesco (1897-1945) Romanian-English writer Haven (1951)
To regret your sins of commission as much as your sins of omission is to prove yourself a most unworthy sinner. Elizabeth Bibesco (1897-1945) Romanian-English writer Haven (1951)
Death is part of this life and not of the next. Elizabeth Bibesco (1897-1945) Romanian-English writer Haven (1951)
A wise man weaves a philosophy out of each acceptance life forces upon him. Elizabeth Bibesco (1897-1945) Romanian-English writer Haven (1951) (Source)