Certain educators […] disapproved of the teaching of propaganda analysis on the grounds that it would make adolescents unduly cynical. Nor was it welcomed by the military authorities, who were afraid that recruits might start to analyze the utterances of drill sergeants. And then there were the clergymen and the advertisers. The clergymen were against propaganda analysis as tending to undermine belief and diminish churchgoing; the advertisers objected on the grounds that it might undermine brand loyalty and reduce sales.

Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) English novelist, essayist and critic
Brave New World Revisited, “Education for Freedom” (1958)

On the Institute for Propaganda Analysis, which opened in the US in 1937 and closed its doors in 1941.

Added on 6-Dec-12 | Last updated 6-Dec-12
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