About WIST

So what is WIST?

WIST is my collection of quotations I find meaningful, moving, amusing (intended or not),  or well-phrased.

I’ve been collecting quotes, aphorisms, maxims, and sig lines since junior high (which is more years ago than I care to relate). I read books of quotations for fun. I dog-ear pages in books I’m reading so that I can come back later and copy particularly good turns of phrase. And, more recently, I quickly jot quotes I see down on my mobile phone so I can have a record of them.

When I first put together a quotations collection (a hard-copy effort, given as a Christmas gift to people who didn’t mind something that was cheap if it had the personal touch), I called the collection “WIST” for “Wish I’d Said That.”

So you really wish you’d said all these things?

Well … no.

This is not just a collection of quotations whose sentiments I agree with (though that’s true for the majority of stuff here). In some cases there are ideas that I disagree with, firmly; in those cases, though, I’ve included the quote either because I admire the way it’s phrased, because it’s such a classic statement of a particular sentiment or else I thought it was so absurd that it made me smile just to read it.

But just because I quote it here doesn’t mean I agree with it.

I’ve sometimes considered coming up with some sort of “I really don’t agree with this” flag or tag or warning on those quotes I most vehemently oppose, content-wise. That would require, though, a thorough re-read of everything here, and inevitably I’d miss something, and then folk would think I do approve of that Goering quote or some similar bit.

In general, if it’s racist, sexist, or hateful … consider me just a conduit, not a sponsor.

Now, the fact is, I do agree with much / most of what I quote here.  I obviously discriminate in terms of actually deciding which quotations to add, so there must be some reason I now (or in the past) selected something for inclusion. And, of course, my worldview is as complex and contradictory as anyone else’s (see Whitman).

Why not change the name of the site, then?

Tradition, I suppose, plus it’s a handy catch phrase. And I own the domain. And there are enough links out there back to the site that it would be a disservice.

If I have a question, how do I contact you?

If you have any comments, corrections, or suggestions, either as to content or to how the site works, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Visited 3,325 time(s).
Added on 11-Apr-09 | Last updated 9-Feb-16
Link to this post | 13 comments
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13 thoughts on “About WIST”

  1. Hi! I recently found your site and it’s great. Thank you!
    I’m a very fan of quotes myself. I do the same as you, leaving dog-ear pages in most of the books I read.
    I do -as one of my freelance works- the selection of quotes for this site: http://www.educared.org.ar/comunidades/tamtam/
    You can see it here: http://www.educared.org.ar/comunidades/tamtam/?cat=90 but it’s in Spanish, and I’m thinking of doing a special site for them, so I can put in their original language, sometime, or quotes that are not meaningfull for young people (this site if for children and young people). I’ll keep you post it if I do it!

  2. Paula D. Lopez


    I’d like to inquire if it’s possible to purchase adverting space on your website.

    If there is any space available please let me and we could discuss further details.

    Looking forward to your positive reply.

  3. Thank you for sharing this amazing site. It’s obviously the result of a labor of love. I look forward to returning often to laugh or ponder.

  4. Is there any way we can support you? I’m thinking of support in a small way, such as those sites that allow you to send a micro-donation. I often use your site, and I’m the sort of person who throws a few dollars at Wikipedia and the like occasionally.

    1. Wow. Thanks for that, Peter. I appreciate the thought.

      WIST is a labor of love for me, and I’d just as soon leave it that way. If I took even microdonations, it might start to feel like an obligation, and thus feel like work, of which I have plenty already. 🙂

      The best support for me is the ego-boo of people actually visiting or linking to the site. So feel free to spread the word about WIST as a resource.

      Thanks again.

  5. A while back, you published a letter Rod Serling wrote to Alden Schwimmer. Alden was my father-in-law. He died a few weeks
    back at the age of 97. My family has the original letter. Is that something you’d be interested in seeing? If so, just ping me.

  6. Pawan Pratap Singh

    Hi Dave, Thank you for this wonderful quote website. I found many quotations here which are really thought-provoking but difficult to find at any other place. BTW, why do you not monetize the website? It will surely help a lot, Just curious…

    1. I’ve no real desire to make money off of this, nor to do the things I’d need to do in order to make money here. It’s a labor of love, and I’m happy for it to remain so.

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