Administrivia: Quote-by-Email / RSS Feed problems

Apologies to WIST followers via RSS or Atom feeds (or “Quotes of the Day” email people). During a recent upgrade to WordPress (10 July), I failed to reinstall / recreate the feed code that juggles includes the person who actually gave the quote, so that info has been missing.

I’m going to work on getting that back running today, so you may see some additional quotes passing through as I test it.

Added on 16-Jul-09; last updated 16-Jul-09
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2 thoughts on “Quote-by-Email / RSS Feed problems”

  1. I’ve gotten the base feed (Atom) fixed — and, in fact, it’s better than before, with the added (More) notes now coming up after the author. That should also be the feed that Feedburner (and email) use.

    Still need to update the RSS2 feed and the Comments feed.

  2. Pingback: ~~Admin - Quote-by-Email / RSS Feed problems: solved | WIST

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