They call for freedom and then they attack the courts which protect that freedom.
They call for freedom and they would strip away the rights of those accused of crime, rights developed over centuries to protect against arbitrary power.
They call for freedom and yet accuse their opponents of being soft on communism or even worse, branding as heretics or traitors all those who ever disagree with them.
They call for freedom and they attack our religious leaders for trying to exercise their ancient responsibility — as clergymen and citizens — to guide people in the course of life.
But worst of all, they call for freedom and yet they help create the atmosphere of hate and fear and suspicion in which individual liberty faces its maximum danger.

Lyndon B. Johnson (1908-1973) American politician, educator, US President (1963-69)
Speech (1964-10-31), Presidential Campaign, Madison Square Garden, New York City

On the Republican Goldwater/Miller ticket and their supporters during the 1964 elections.

Added on 17-Oct-24 | Last updated 17-Oct-24
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