If I knew the world should go under tomorrow, I would still plant an apple tree today.”
[Und wenn ich wüsste, dass morgen die Welt unterginge, so pflanzte ich heute noch einen Apfelbaum.]
Martin Luther (1483-1546) German priest, theologian, writer, religious reformer
Many alternative translations and paraphrases of this apocryphal statement can be found:
- "Even if I knew that the whole world was going to smash tomorrow, still, I would plant an apple tree today. [Auch wenn ich wüsste, dass morgen die Welt zugrunde geht, würde ich heute noch einen Apfelbaum pflanzen.]"
- "If I knew the world would end tomorrow, I would plant a tree this afternoon."
- "If I knew I was to die tomorrow, I would plant a tree today."