Administrivia: A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words

I’m trying an experiment. While I love the text format for quotations (it’s searchable, if nothing else), the fact is that the “hot” (and “cool”) thing in online quotations is the visual quotation / meme. I’m playing with a few tools to do this (there are a lot of online resources) to see if it’s a sustainable effort — i.e., if i can do them painlessly enough that I will do them on a regular basis (say, one each day).

I don’t plan on getting fancy — image of the person in the background, simple formatting, probably minimal citation. You can see an example here. I wish there were an easy way to include the link to the quote in the image, but that hand-transcribing of URLs is a pain in the neck for readers; a simple “” bug will have to suffice.

Feedback is welcome.

Added on 9-Oct-15; last updated 9-Oct-15
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