Administrivia: Doing some long-awaited tidying

There should certainly be a quotation somewhere along the lines of “Creating something new is fun and sexy and draws lots of applause. Keeping that thing maintained and operating is … not.” Every Congresscritter wants to build a new bridge or highway. Nobody wants to be the one to push for actually keeping those things well-maintained after the fact.

Bridge building is very cool. Bridge maintenance doesn’t draw headlines … until it does.

Anyway …

I’ve finished my first-ever (hoo-boy) top-to-bottom author review, wherein I …

  1. Checked on whether any author without a death date was still alive, and updated same as needed.  I have quote (thus authors) going back (mumblety) decades, and in edge cases some of those have never been brought up to date.  A few of these were, ahem, mighty embarrassing.
  2. Made sure that any author with at least two quotations got an image associated with them. My preferences are color>B&W, but “when they were establishing their fame” > “more contemporary but kind of past their prime”. Also, images looking at the viewer are preferred. These folk are talking to you.

(Which review is always a reminder of how many of the folk quoted here are Old White Guys. I am quite aware of that, believe me.)

So many authors!

So, all 3,023 authors have been vetted. Something long overdue, and that I need to repeat every few years.

Onward and upward!

Added on 24-Nov-21; last updated 13-Jul-23
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