Many people will inevitably have questions about Darwinism because many people will inevitably think about it. By comparison, I doubt many Sunday school classes get worked up over enzyme kinetics.
H. Allen Orr (b. 1960) American evolutionary biologist
Review of Darwin’s Black Box by M. Behe, Boston Review (12/96-1/97)
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Quotations by:
Orr, H. Allen
Evolutionists are widely perceived as uncritical ideologues, devoted to suppressing all doubt about evolution. It’s easy to see how this impression arose: evolutionists, after all, spend most of their public lives defending Darwin against endlessly recycled creationist arguments. So of course we appear hide-bound reactionaries. (So would physicists if the theory of gravity were dragged into court every other year.)
H. Allen Orr (b. 1960) American evolutionary biologist
Review of Darwin’s Black Box by M. Behe, Boston Review (12/96-1/97)
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