Now, the empire of man over things is founded on the arts and sciences alone, for nature is only to be commanded by obeying her.
[Hominis autem imperium in res, in solis artibus et scientiis ponitur. Naturae enim non imperatur, nisi parendo.]
Francis Bacon (1561-1626) English philosopher, scientist, author, statesman
Instauratio Magna [The Great Instauration], Part 2 “Novum Organum [The New Organon],” Book 1, Aphorism # 129 (1620) [tr. Wood (1831)]
(Source (Latin)). Alternate translations:Now the empire of man over things depends wholly on the arts and sciences. For we cannot command nature except by obeying her.
[tr. Spedding (1858)]Now, the empire of man over things is founded on the Arts and Sciences alone, for Nature is only governed by obeying her.
[tr. Johnson (1859)]Now the empire of man over things likes solely in the arts and sciences. For one does not have empire over nature except by obeying her.
[tr. Silverthorne (2000)]Now -- this being the point I wanted to make·—man’s control over things depends wholly on the arts and sciences, for we can’t command nature except by obeying her.
[tr. Bennett (2017)]