No man can be without his god. If he have not the true God to bless and sustain him, he will have some false god to delude and to betray him. … For every man has something in which he hopes, on which he leans, to which he retreats and retires, with which he fills up his thoughts in empty spaces of time, when he is alone, when he lies sleepless on his bed, when he is not pressed with other thoughts; to which he betakes himself in sorrow or trouble, as that from which he shall draw comfort and strength — his fortress, his citadel, his defense; and has not this a good right to be called his god?

Richard Chenevix Trench
Richard Chenevix Trench (1807-1886) English archbishop, philologist, poet

Added on 1-Feb-04 | Last updated 1-Feb-04
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