Administrivia: 10,000 quotations, huzzah!

Sometime over the last week, WIST gained its 10,000th quotation. There’s a count kept in the sidebar, but it’s a bit deceptive because it includes Administrative posts (such as this), of which (prior to this one) there have ben 81. It appears that this Samuel Pepys quote was the official 10,000th.

It’s remarkable how quickly the numbers grow when you plug in five quotes every weekday, 25 a week. Though the numbers don’t always go just upward — I do periodic reviews through the collection, and occasionally come upon duplicates that need to be cleaned up.

It’s taken 24 years (!) to get to this point. At the current load rate, though, it will only take about 15 years further to get to 20,000. Best get a move on, then!

Added on 26-Jan-12; last updated 26-Jan-12
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2 thoughts on “10,000 quotations, huzzah!”

  1. Pingback: A personal (and obsessional) milestone | ***Dave Does the Blog

  2. Pingback: ~~Admin - Doing the Numbers: 2/2012 | WIST Quotations

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