Remove justice, and what are kingdoms but gangs of criminals on a large scale?
[Remota itaque iustitia quid sunt regna nisi magna latrocinia?]Augustine of Hippo (354-430) Christian church father, philosopher, saint [b. Aurelius Augustinus]
City of God [De Civitate Dei], Book 4, ch. 4 (4.4) (AD 412-416) [tr. Bettenson (1972)]
(Source (Latin)). Alternate translations:Set justice aside, then, and what are kingdoms but fair thievish purchases?
[tr. Healey (1610)]Justice being taken away, then, what are kingdoms but great robberies?
[tr. Dods (1871)]In the absence of justice, what is sovereignty but organized brigandage?
[tr. Zema/Walsh (1950)]And so if justice is left out, what are kingdoms except great robber bands?
[tr. Green (Loeb) (1963)]Justice removed, then, what are kingdoms but great bands of robbers?
[tr. Dyson (1998)]Remove justice, then, and what are kingdoms but large gangs of robbers?
[tr. Babcock (2012)]In the absence of justice, what is sovereignty but organized robbery?