Everything that frees our spirit without giving us control of ourselves is ruinous.
[Alles, was unsern Geist befreit, ohne uns die Herrschaft über uns selbst zu geben, ist verderblich.]
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) German poet, statesman, scientist
Sprüche in Prosa: Maximen und Reflexionen [Proverbs in Prose: Maxims and Reflections] (1833) [tr. Saunders (1893), “Life and Character,” #33]
From Wilhelm Meister's Journeyman Years (1829). (Source (German)). Alternate translations:Every thing that frees our spirit without giving us the mastery over ourselves is pernicious.
[tr. Rönnfeldt (1900)]Everything that liberates our mind without at the same time imparting self-control is pernicious.
[tr. Stopp (1995), #504]