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Anxiety is the unwillingness to play even when you know the odds are for you. Courage is the willingness to play even when you know the odds are against you.
Thomas Szasz (1920-2012) Hungarian-American psychiatrist, educator
The Second Sin (1973)
Added on 1-Aug-18 | Last updated 1-Aug-18
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Topics: anxiety, apprehension, courage, defeatism, fear, odds, risk, risk assessment, worry
More quotes by Szasz, Thomas No man is defeated without until he has first been defeated within.
Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962) First Lady of the US (1933-45), politician, diplomat, activist
You Learn by Living, ch. 10 (1960)
Added on 30-Oct-17 | Last updated 21-Aug-23
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Topics: confidence, defeat, defeatism, meme, self-defeat, surrender
More quotes by Roosevelt, Eleanor