Quotations about:
    personal effort

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What can any individual do? Of that, every individual can judge. There is one thing that every individual can do, — they can see to it that they feel right. An atmosphere of sympathetic influence encircles every human being; and the man or woman who feels strongly, healthily and justly, on the great interests of humanity, is a constant benefactor to the human race. See, then, to your sympathies in this matter! Are they in harmony with the sympathies of Christ? or are they swayed and perverted by the sophistries of worldly policy?

Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811-1896) American author
Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Conclusion (1852)
Added on 19-Jan-11 | Last updated 17-Dec-13
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In short, in life, as in a foot-ball game, the principle to follow is:
Hit the line hard; don’t foul and don’t shirk, but hit the line hard!

Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) American politician, statesman, conservationist, writer, US President (1901-1909)
“What We Can Expect of the American Boy,” St. Nicholas Magazine (1900-05)

Reprinted as "The American Boy" in Roosevelt, The Strenuous Life (1900).

Roosevelt used this general phrasing on multiple occasions, so various forms can be found attributed or associated to him, such as:

Theodore Roosevelt handwritten - Don't fowl, don't shirk, and hit the line hard
  • "In life, as in a football game, the principle to follow is: Never flinch. Never foul. Hit the line hard."
  • "Don't flinch. Don't foul. Hit the line hard."
  • "Don't fowl, don't shirk, and hit the line hard!"
  • "Don't flinch, don't fowl, and hit the line hard."
    [Speech (1913-07-03)]
Added on 9-Jun-08 | Last updated 26-Jan-24
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