I shudder as I tell the tale.

[Horresco réferens]

Laocoön and his sons

Virgil the Poet
Virgil (70-19 BC) Roman poet [b. Publius Vergilius Maro; also Vergil]
The Aeneid [Ænē̆is], Book 2, l. 204 (2.204) [Aeneas] (29-19 BC) [tr. Fairclough (1916)]

Telling Dido of the terrible deaths of the Trojan priest Laocoön and his sons.

(Source (Latin)). Alternate translations:

I shake to mention.
[tr. Ogilby (1649)]

I shudder at the relation.
[tr. Davidson/Buckley (1854)]

I quail,
E'en now, at telling of the tale
[tr. Conington (1866)]

I shudder as I tell.
[tr. Cranch (1872)]

I shudder as I recall.
[tr. Mackail (1885)]

I tremble in the tale.
[tr. Morris (1900)]

The tale I shudder to pursue
[tr. Taylor
I shudder as I tell.
[tr. Williams (1910)]

I shudder even now,
Recalling it.
[tr. Humphries (1951)]

Telling it makes me shudder.
[tr. Day-Lewis (1952)]

I shudder
to tell what happened.
[tr. Mandelbaum (1971)]

I shiver to recall it.
[tr. Fitzgerald (1981)]

I shudder at the memory of it.
[tr. West (1990)]

I shudder to tell it.
[tr. Kline (2002)]

I shudder to recall them.
[tr. Lombardo (2005)]

I cringe to recall it now.
[tr. Fagles (2006)]

I shudder at the telling.
[tr. Bartsch (2021)]