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The voice of a man when he reads reveals not what he is, but what he wants to be. It is the voice of the personage whom he visualizes when he thinks of himself.

André Maurois (1885-1967) French author [b. Émile Salomon Wilhelm Herzog]
Conversation, “Confidences” (1930)
Added on 20-Aug-24 | Last updated 20-Aug-24
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What we really mean by free will, of course, is the visualizing of alternatives and making a choice between them. In my view, which not everyone shares, the central problem of human consciousness depends on this ability to imagine.

Jacob Bronowski (1908-1974) Polish-English humanist and mathematician
The Origins of Knowledge and Imagination, ch. 1 “The Mind as an Instrument for Understanding” (1978)
Added on 8-Aug-24 | Last updated 8-Aug-24
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