Quotations by:
    Stanton, Elizabeth Cady

Accepting the view that man was prior in the creation, some Scriptural writers say that as the woman was of the man, therefore, her position should be one of subjection. Grant it, then as the historical fact is reversed in our day, and the man is now of the woman, shall his place be one of subjection?

Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815-1902) American social activist, abolitionist, woman's suffragist
The Woman’s Bible (1898)
Added on 26-Oct-12 | Last updated 26-Oct-12
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More quotes by Stanton, Elizabeth Cady

In the criminal code we find no feminine pronouns, as “He,” “His,” “Him,” we are arrested, tried and hung, but singularly enough, we are denied the highest privileges of citizens, because the pronouns “She,” “Hers” and “Her,” are not found in the constitutions. It is a pertinent question, if women can pay the penalties of their crimes as “He,” why may they not enjoy the privileges of citizens as “He”?

Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815-1902) American social activist, abolitionist, woman's suffragist
The Woman’s Bible (1898)
Added on 30-Oct-12 | Last updated 30-Oct-12
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More quotes by Stanton, Elizabeth Cady

Let us remember that all reforms are interdependent, and that whatever is done to establish one principle on a solid basis, strengthens all. Reformers who are always compromising, have not yet grasped the idea that truth is the only safe ground to stand upon.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815-1902) American social activist, abolitionist, woman's suffragist
The Woman’s Bible, Part 1, Introduction (1895)
Added on 30-Jun-12 | Last updated 1-Nov-24
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More quotes by Stanton, Elizabeth Cady

Come, come, my conservative friend, wipe the dew off your spectacles, and see that the world is moving.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815-1902) American social activist, abolitionist, woman's suffragist
The Woman’s Bible, Part 1, Introduction (1895)
Added on 6-Oct-22 | Last updated 6-Oct-22
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More quotes by Stanton, Elizabeth Cady

The history of the past is but one long struggle upward to equality.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815-1902) American social activist, abolitionist, woman's suffragist
Circular (Mar 1863)

The circular called for a National Convention of the Woman's National Loyal League; it was held in New York City two months later.
Added on 5-Nov-12 | Last updated 5-Nov-12
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More quotes by Stanton, Elizabeth Cady

To think that all in me of which my father would have felt a proper pride had I been a man, is deeply mortifying to him because I am a woman.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815-1902) American social activist, abolitionist, woman's suffragist
Letter (1855-09-10) to Susan B. Anthony
Added on 17-Jan-25 | Last updated 17-Jan-25
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More quotes by Stanton, Elizabeth Cady

They tell us sometimes that if we had only kept quiet, all these desirable things would have come about of themselves. I am reminded of the Greek clown who, having seen an archer bring down a flying bird, remarked, sagely: “You might have saved your arrow, for the bird would anyway have been killed by the fall.”

Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815-1902) American social activist, abolitionist, woman's suffragist
Speech, Woman’s Rights Convention, New York City (7 May 1894)
Added on 1-Nov-12 | Last updated 1-Nov-12
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More quotes by Stanton, Elizabeth Cady