Why, if all the rich men in the world divided up their money amongst themselves, there wouldn’t be enough to go round!
Christina Stead (1902-1983) Australian writer
House of All Nations, sc. 12 “The Revolution” [Jules] (1938)
Pooh-poohing the idea that confiscating wealth from the rich would provide enough money to the poor. The line is also included in the "Credo" at the beginning of the novel, attributed to the character, Jules Bertillon.
Quotations by:
Stead, Christina
No rich man is a patriot, no rich man is a friend. They have all only got one fatherland — the Ritz-Carlton; and one friend — the mistress they’re promising to divorce their wives for.
Christina Stead (1902-1983) Australian writer
House of All Nations, scene 26 “No Money in Working for a Living” [Jules] (1938)