I ne’er insulted the calamities
Of those who were unfortunate, because
I fear’d that I myself might also suffer.[τάς όυμφοράξ γαρ των κακώς πεπραγότων
οὐπώποϑ ϋβρίδ’, αυτὀξ ὀρρωδῶν παϑεῖν.]Euripides (485?-406? BC) Greek tragic dramatist
Andromeda [Ἀνδρομέδα], frag. 130 (TGF) (412 BC) [tr. Wodhull (1809)]
Nauck frag. 130, Barnes frag. 53, Musgrave frag. 21. (Source (Greek)). Alternate translation:I never treated the troubles of the unfortunate insultingly,
through fear of suffering them myself.
[tr. Gibert (2004)]