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Are you going to come along quietly, or am I going to have to use ear plugs?
Terence Alan "Spike" Milligan (1918-2002) Anglo-Irish comedian, writer, actor
The Goon Show, 9×12 “The Call of the West” (20 Jan 1959)
Variant: "Are you going to come along quietly, or do you want musical accompaniment?"
Added on 2-Jul-15 | Last updated 2-Jul-15
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Topics: acquiescence, arrest, give up, police, scream, struggle
More quotes by Milligan, Spike
I let out a battle cry. Sure, a lot of people might have mistaken it for a sudden yelp of unmanly fear, but trust me. It was a battle cry.
Jim Butcher (b. 1971) American author
“Something Borrowed,”
My Big Fat Supernatural Wedding (2006)
Added on 11-Nov-14 | Last updated 11-Nov-14
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Topics: bravery, courage, macho, manliness, manly, scream, shout
More quotes by Butcher, Jim
I stir in it for the sad reason that no other mortal will move, and if I do not, why, it is left undone. The amount of it, be sure, is merely a Scream; but sometimes a scream is better than a thesis.
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) American essayist, lecturer, poet
Journal (1838)
Referring to his attempts to stop the US Government's forced expulsion of the Cherokee from their land.
Added on 1-Feb-04 | Last updated 10-Oct-16
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Topics: emotion, erudite, logic. case, protest, reason, scream
More quotes by Emerson, Ralph Waldo