Esteem is worth more than celebrity, respect is worth more than renown, and honor is worth more than fame.
[L’estime vaut mieux que la célébrité, la considération vaut mieux que la renommée, et l’honneur vaut mieux que la gloire.]
Nicolas Chamfort (1741-1794) French writer, epigrammist (b. Nicolas-Sébastien Roch)
Products of Perfected Civilization [Produits de la Civilisation Perfectionée], Part 1 “Maxims and Thoughts [Maximes et Pensées],” ch. 2, ¶ 131 (1795) [tr. Merwin (1969)]
(Source (French)). Alternate translations:Esteem is better than celebrity, respect is better than renown, and honour than glory.
[tr. Mathers (1926)]Esteem is worth more than being celebrated, respect is better than renown, and honour is better than fame.
[tr. Pearson (1973)]Esteem is worth more than celebrity, consideration is worth more than fame, and honor is worth more than glory.
[tr. Siniscalchi (1994)]