CHORUS LEADER: Ah! wine is a terrible foe, hard to wrestle with.
[ΧΟΡΟΣ: δεινὸς γὰρ οἷνος καὶ παλαίεσθαι βαρύς.]
Euripides (485?-406? BC) Greek tragic dramatist
Cyclops [Κύκλωψ], l. 678ff (c. 424-23 BC) [tr. Coleridge (1913)]
(Source (Greek)). Alternate translations:CHORUS: Wine is invincible.
[tr. Wodhull (1809)]CYCLOPS: For wine is strong and hard to struggle with.
[tr. Shelley (1824)]CHORUS: Ah, wine’s the chap to trip your legs, I think.
[tr. Way (1916)]CHORUS-LEADER: Yes, wine is a dangerous thing and hard to wrestle against.
[tr. Kovacs (1994)]