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The worst barbarity of war is that it forces men collectively to commit acts against which individually they would revolt with their whole being.

Ellen Key (1849-1926) Swedish feminist and writer
War, Peace, and the Future, ch. 6 (1916) [tr. Norberg]
Added on 17-Jul-17 | Last updated 17-Jul-17
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Topics: army, barbarity, collective guilt, compulsion, hypocrisy, meme, military, war, war crime
More quotes by Key, Ellen Is it progress if a cannibal uses knife and fork?
[Czy jeżeli ludożerca je widelcem i nożem to postęp?]

Stanislaw Lec (1909-1966) Polish aphorist, poet, satirist
Unkempt Thoughts [Myśli nieuczesane] (1957) [tr. Gałązka (1962)]
Added on 21-Mar-17 | Last updated 15-Feb-22
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Topics: barbarity, culture, immorality, manners, meme, modernity, politeness, progress
More quotes by Lec, Stanislaw There is a capacity of virtue in us, and there is a capacity of vice to make your blood creep.
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) American essayist, lecturer, poet
Journal (1831)
Added on 9-Mar-16 | Last updated 9-Mar-16
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Topics: barbarity, conscience, evil, free will, good, human nature, humanity, vice, virtue
More quotes by Emerson, Ralph Waldo