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One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.

Carl Sagan (1934-1996) American scientist and writer
The Demon-Haunted World, ch. 13 (1995)
Added on 29-Sep-20 | Last updated 29-Sep-20
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Topics: bambooze, bunco, charlatan, confirmation bias, ego, evidence, fake, fraud, hoax, meme, pride, scam, sham, sunk cost, victim
More quotes by Sagan, Carl The certain way to be cheated is to fancy one’s self more cunning than others.

Pierre Charron (1541-1603) French Catholic theologian and philosopher
Quoted in John Timbs, Laconics: Or, The Best Words of the Best Authors, vol. 3, #308 (1829)
Added on 12-Jul-16 | Last updated 12-Jul-16
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Topics: cheat, cheater, con artist, ego, fool, meme, over-confidence, scam
More quotes by Charron, Pierre Call me a “rube” and a “hick,” but I’d a lot rather be the man who bought the Brooklyn Bridge than the man who sold it.

Will Rogers (1879-1935) American humorist
Widely attributed to Rogers, though I cannot find a primary source for it.
- "They may call me a rube and a hick ..."
- "Call me a rube ..."
- "You could call me a hick or call me a rube ..."
Added on 9-Dec-15 | Last updated 1-Nov-24
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Topics: con man, fool, fraud, gullibility, meme, naivete, scam, sophistication, swindler, victim
More quotes by Rogers, Will It will not bother me in the hour of death to reflect that I have been ‘had for a sucker’ by any number of impostors: but it would be a torment to know that one had refused even one person in need. After all, the parable of the sheep and goats makes our duty perfectly plain, doesn’t it? Another thing that annoys me is when people say ‘Why did you give that man money? He’ll probably go and drink it.’ My reply is ‘But if I’d kept [it] I should probably have drunk it.’
C. S. Lewis (1898-1963) English writer, literary scholar, lay theologian [Clive Staples Lewis]
Letter to Mary Willis Shelburne (26 Oct 1962)
Added on 4-Nov-15 | Last updated 4-Nov-15
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Topics: alcohol, alms, beggar, charity, fraud, panhandler, scam
More quotes by Lewis, C.S. Nearly always, the best deception trades on the enemy’s own preconceptions. If he already believes what you want him to believe, you have merely to confirm his own ideas rather than to undertake the more difficult task of inserting new ones into his mind.
Ronald Lewin (1914-1984) British military historian, radio producer publishing editor
Ultra Goes to War, ch. 10 (1978)
Added on 11-Aug-15 | Last updated 11-Aug-15
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Topics: confirmation bias, convince, deceive, deception, fool, lie, persuade, preconception, prejudice, scam
More quotes by Lewin, Ronald