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Light burthens, long borne, growe heavie.

George Herbert (1593-1633) Welsh priest, orator, poet.
Jacula Prudentum, or Outlandish Proverbs, Sentences, &c. (compiler), # 15 (1640 ed.)
Added on 17-May-24 | Last updated 13-May-24
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More quotes by Herbert, George

If we could ever get vacations down to where you wasn’t any more tired on the day one was over than on our regular work day it would be wonderful.

Will Rogers (1879-1935) American humorist
Column (1933-09-04), “Daily Telegram”
Added on 1-May-24 | Last updated 30-Aug-24
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More quotes by Rogers, Will

But now at thirty years my hair is gray ––
(I wonder what it will be like at forty?
I thought of a peruke the other day)
My heart is not much greener; and, in short, I
Have squander’d my whole summer while ’twas May,
And feel no more the spirit to retort; I
Have spent my life, both interest and principal,
And deem not, what I deem’d, my soul invincible.

Lord Byron
George Gordon, Lord Byron (1788-1824) English poet
Don Juan, Canto 1, st. 213 (1818)
Added on 9-Apr-24 | Last updated 9-Apr-24
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More quotes by Byron, George Gordon, Lord

It [political opposition] is like dancing with a bear. When you’re dancing with a bear, you can’t get tired and sit down. You have to wait for the bear to get tired.

Joycelyn Elders
Joycelyn Elders (b. 1933) American pediatrician, public health administrator, academic
Keynote Speech, Sistersong Conference, Chicago (2007-06-03)
Added on 8-Jan-24 | Last updated 8-Jan-24
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More quotes by Elders, Joycelyn

Long-protracted suffering is apt to exhaust not only the invalid, but the compassion of others; violent emotions cannot be prolonged endlessly.

Stefan Zweig (1881-1942) Austrian novelist, playwright, journalist, biographer
Beware of Pity (1939)
Added on 30-Sep-21 | Last updated 30-Sep-21
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More quotes by Zweig, Stefan

When we are tired, we are attacked by ideas we conquered long ago.

Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) German philosopher and poet

Frequently attributed to Nietzsche, starting in the late 1950s, but never cited and not found in any of his writings. More discussion here.
Added on 10-Apr-19 | Last updated 10-Apr-19
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More quotes by Nietzsche, Friedrich

Worrying is carrying tomorrow’s load with today’s strength — carrying two days at once. It is moving into tomorrow ahead of time. Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength.

Corrie ten Boom (1892-1983) Dutch evangelist, concentration camp survivor
He Cares, He Comforts (1977)

See Spurgeon.
Added on 22-May-17 | Last updated 1-Aug-18
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More quotes by Ten Boom, Corrie

When a man feels that he cannot leave his work, it is a sure sign of an impending collapse. … When men are so tired, they cannot be trusted in their business judgment and cannot properly tend to their affairs.

Louis Brandeis (1856-1941) American lawyer, activist, Supreme Court Justice (1916-39)
Letter to Alfred Brandeis (8 Mar 1897)
Added on 23-Sep-14 | Last updated 23-Sep-14
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More quotes by Brandeis, Louis

My candle burns at both ends;
It will not last the night:
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends —
It gives a lovely light!

Edna St. Vincent Millay (1892-1950) American poet
“Figs from Thistles: First Fig” in Poetry: A Magazine of Verse (1918-06)

Collected in A Few Figs From Thistles (1921).
Added on 1-Feb-04 | Last updated 6-Jun-24
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More quotes by Millay, Edna St. Vincent

It is better to wear out than to rust out.

Richard Cumberland (1632-1718) English philosopher and cleric (Bishop of Peterborough)

Quoted in G. Horne, "Sermon on the Duty of Contending for the Truth" (1786).
Added on 1-Feb-04 | Last updated 14-Jan-15
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More quotes by Cumberland, Richard (1632)

Life is one long process of getting tired.

Samuel Butler (1835-1902) English novelist, satirist, scholar
The Note-Books of Samuel Butler (1912)
Added on 1-Feb-04 | Last updated 5-Sep-19
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More quotes by Butler, Samuel

Too long a sacrifice
Can make a stone of the heart.
O when may it suffice?

William Butler Yeats (1865-1939) Irish poet and dramatist
“Easter 1916,” st. 4, ll. 57-59, Michael Robartes and the Dancer (1921)
Added on 1-Feb-04 | Last updated 2-Nov-20
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More quotes by Yeats, William Butler